Please note – Size, colour and sex may vary. Many of our livestock species are sold as juveniles and have not yet reached their full size and colour potential.
The Yellow Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara Baenschi) is also known as the Nkhomo Benga Peacock and New Yellow Regal Peacock.
Scientific Name: 
Aulonocara Baenschi
Approximate purchase size: 
How easy are they to care for?
Although large, it is relatively easy to care for Cichlid. High filtration requirements are needed due to the size and mess that such fish can create.
How large can they grow?
Where in the world are they from?
Originally found in Lake Malawi. 
What is the ideal number to keep together?
Not suitable for community tanks, can be kept in Malawi/Mbuna type set-up.
What water conditions do they require?
Will accept temperatures from 22.8 to 28.9°C and a pH range between 7.0 - 8.6.
What should you feed them?
Though the Yellow Peacock Cichlid is an omnivore it will eat mostly meaty foods. Provide them with a mixed diet. Avoid tubifex worms as they contribute to a disease called "Malawi bloat. 
How compatible are they with other fish?
Best kept with other docile cichlids (Malawi type set-up).
Can they be bred in captivity?
Yes, quite easily. All Cichlid parents tend to their young, making them easy to breed. Keep 6 females with one male in a 40-gallon tank for the best breeding success.