Scientific Name: Carassius auratus
Please note – The image used above is for illustration purposes only; Size, colour and sex may vary. Many of our livestock species are sold as juveniles and have not yet reached their full size and colour potential. If you have any concerns about the size or colour of the livestock you wish to order, please contact our livestock team via our support centre before placing your order. Due to the large quantities of livestock orders daily, the livestock team will are unable to select fish / shrimp to meet specific gender or aesthetic needs.
How easy are they to care for?
Easy to care for fish, often described as the one of the best fish to start with in the aquatics trade.
How large can they grow?
Fantail varieties can often reach 5" or more.
Where in the world are they from?
Originally found throughout China they have no been found through the globe in a range of diverse river systems.
What is the ideal number to keep together?
Will happily live with other Goldfish varieties. Can be kept singly or in groups depending on tank / pond size.
What water conditions do they require?
Temperature ranges of 10 - 24 Celsius and will accept pH ranges as from 6.0 - 8.0
What should you feed them?
Live foods will be greatly accepted as well as frozen foods such as Bloodworm, Artemia and Daphnia. Will happily accept Flake, Pellets and vegetable matter.
How compatible are they with other fish?
More than happy to live in a general community cold water tank.
Can they be bred in captivity?
Will quite happily breed in outdoor pond environments once mature, breeding can occur in large tanks as well without too much conditioning required.